Curso 2023 - 2024
Curso 2023 - 2024 |
Departamento | Título |
Ponente |
Día | Hora |
Lugar |
IPARCOS | A non-singular universe out of Hayward black hole |
Michat Bobula Uniwersytet Wroclawski |
25/06/2024 | 14:30 | Theoretical physics seminar room (3rd floor) |
IPARCOS | ¿Cómo puede un físico ayudar a diagnostricar mejor enfermedades? |
Joaquín López Herráiz Departamento de Estrutura de la Materia, Física Térmica y Electrónica |
13/06/2024 | 13:30 | Aula M2 |
IPARCOS | What do TeV-scale SUSY, gamma-ray astronomy and pNREFT have in common? |
Martin Vollmann University of Tübingen |
12/06/2024 | 14:30 | Sala de Grados |
IPARCOS | Looking through the Higgs window for new physics |
Heidi Rzehak University of Freiburg |
07/06/2024 | 11:30 | Theoretical physics seminar room (3rd floor) |
IPARCOS | Escuchando el Universo con LISA |
Carlos F. Sopuerta ICE (CSIC) e IEEC |
23/05/2024 | 13:30 |
M1 |
IAPRCOS | Feeding supermassive black holes with galaxy interactions |
Sandra Raimundo University of Southampton (UK), Assistant Professor |
22/05/2024 | 16:00 (CEST) |
Zoom & Youtube live |
IPARCOS | Healthy teleparallel theories of gravity |
Daniel Blixt Scuola Superiore Meridionale |
22/05/2024 | 14:30 |
Theoretical physics seminar room (3rd floor) |
IPARCOS | Momentum transfer in the dark sector |
David Figueruelo Universidad de Salamanca |
14/05/2024 | 14:30 |
Theoretical physics seminar room (2nd floor) |
IPARCOS | The Science, Prospects and Possibilities at the Electron Ion Collider |
Abhay Deshpande Stony Brook University & Brokhaven National Laboratory |
13/05/2024 | 13:30 |
M1 |
IPARCOS | ALMA Studies of Eruptive Stars |
Antonio Hales NRAO Scientist and Deputy Manager of the North American ALMA Regional Center |
30/04/2024 | 16:00 (CEST) |
Aula 12 |
IPARCOS | Studies of femtoscopy correlation functions in hadron-hadron interactions |
Juan Torres Rincón Univeritat de Barcelona |
29/04/2024 | 14:30 |
Theoretical physics seminar room (3rd. floor) |
IPARCOS | Explorando el universo de rayos bamma con el telescopio espacila Fermi LAT: una historia de asombrosos descubrimientos y de búsquedas de materia oscura |
Miguel Ángel Sánchez Conde IFT UAM-CSIT |
25/04/2024 | 13:30 |
Aula M2 |
IPARCOS | Inflection points for free: Cosmological scenarios from BSM Higgs criticality |
Thomas Steingasser MT & HARVARD UNIVERSITY |
24/04/2024 | 14:30 |
Theoretical physics seminar room (3rd. floor) |
IPARCOS | Properties of the quark-gluon vertex in the Landau gauge |
Georg Wieland Univesity of Graz |
23/04/2024 | 14:30 |
Theoretical physics seminar room (3rd. floor) |
IPARCOS | Matching UV models to EFTs: the 2HDM as a case study |
Durarte Fontes Brookhaven National Lab |
16/04/2024 | 14:30 |
Theoretical physics seminar room (3rd. floor) |
Física de Materiales | Semiconductor random laser manufactured by pulsed laser ablation |
Ceferino López Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid - ICMM (CSIC), Madrid |
10/04/2024 | 12:00 |
Sala de Grados |
Física de Materiales | Fases atómicas obstruidas, topología frágil y efectos de orden superior en materiales bidimensionales |
Sergio Bravo Departamento de Física Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Valparaiso - Chile |
10/04/2024 | 12:00 |
Sala de Seminarios Dpto. Física de Materiales |
IPARCOS | A treasure trove of activie galaxies and quasars in the DESI survey |
Stephanie Juneau |
3/04/2024 | 16:00 (CEST) |
Zoom & Youtube live |
Física de Materiales | Anomalous spin-relaxation properties in the mother of all semimetals |
Ferens Simon Department of Physics, Institute of Physics, and HUN-REN-BME Condensed Matter Budapest, Hungary |
2/04/2024 | 12:00 |
Sala de Grados |
IPARCOS | Rapidity-only TMD factorizaton |
Ian Balitsky Old Dominion U./Jefferson Lab) |
19/03/2024 | 14:30 |
Theoretical physics seminar room (3rd. floor) |
50 Aniversario 1974-2024 | Simulación cuántica: realizando el sueño de Feynman |
Ignacio Cirac Director de la División Teórica Instituto Maz Planck de Óptica Cuántica Graching, Alemania |
13/03/2024 | 13:30 |
M1 |
IPARCOS | El cielo visto en rayos gamma de muy alta energía: nueve años de operación del observatorio HAWC |
Alberto Carramiñana Alonso INAOE, México |
12/03/2024 | 13:30 |
M2 |
IPARCOS | On the origin of high-mass stars: a UCM story |
Álvaro Hacar University of Vienna (Austria) |
08/03/2024 | 10:00 |
In person @ Room 12 (Ground floor) of Facultad de CC. |
Ciclo de Seminarios de Geofísica - Máster en Meteorología y Geofísica | Multiaxial anisotropy in SD magnetic grains defined by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility |
Pierrick Roperch Geosciences Rennes CNRS - Université de Rennes |
7/03/2024 | 12:30 |
Seminario 214, 4ª planta |
IPARCOS - Astro Seminar | Galaxy gas-phase abundances and their connection to star-formation histories |
Nicholas Boardman |
6/03/2024 | 16:00 |
CET(In Zoom & Youtube live) |
Física de Materiales | Single-spin flat bands in cobalt-supported graphene |
Matteo Jugovac Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste, Basovizza, Italy |
26/02/2024 | 12:00 |
Sala de seminarios del Departamento de Física de Materiales |
IPARCOS | Exploring the imprints of nonaxisymmetric motions in disk galaxies. The case of NGC 1087, a barred galaxy or gas with inflow motions? |
Carlos López-Cobá Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysisc (ASIAA) Taipei (Taiwan) |
23/02/2024 | 10:00 (CET) |
(In Zoom & Youtube live) |
IPARCOS | Los tres primeros segundos: de la inflación cósmica al Modelo Estándar |
Javier Rubio IPARCOS, Departamento de Física Teórica |
22/02/2024 | 13:30 |
M1 |
Física de Materiales | Atomic-scale measurements of charge distribution in 2D structures |
Rafael Ferreira INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory |
22/02/2024 | 12:00 |
Sala de Grados |
IPARCOS | Looking for observational signatures of feedback from activie galactic nuclei |
Chiara Circosta ESA-ESAC (Madrid) |
14/02/2024 | 16:00 |
(In Zoom & Youtube live) |
IPARCOS | Gravitational wave lensing |
Héctor Villarubia Rojo Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
14/02/2024 | 14:30 |
Theoretical physics seminar room (3rd.floor) |
Ciclo de Seminarios de Geofísica - Máster en Meteorología y Geofísica | The Enigmatic Mackenzie Mountains |
Derek L. Scutt Department of Geosciences Warner College of Natural Resources and Colorado Stata University Fort Collins, Colorado, USA |
13/02/2024 | 15:30 |
Seminario 215, 4º planta, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas |
IPARCOS | Early galaxy growth and how it is shaped by black hole feedback |
Manuela Bischetti University of Triestre (UniTs, Italy)
2/02/2024 | 10:00 |
(In Zoom & Youtube live) |
IPARCOS | Black holes in the sky and in the laboratory |
Jorma Louko University of Nottigham |
25/01/2024 | 14:30 |
Aula Magna M1 |
IPARCOS | Unveiling hidden phases and charting strong sectors |
Álvaro Pastro Gutiérrez MPI Heidelberg |
20/12/2023 | 14:30 |
Theoretical physics seminar room (3er. floor)
IPARCOS | Anisotropies in the Local Velocity Field of the Galactic disk and the Local Dark Matter Density |
Borja Anguiano University of Notre Dame (USA) |
15/12/2023 | 10:00 |
Theoretical physics seminar room (2º floor) |
IPARCOS | Galaxias polvorientas en los confines del Universo |
Itziar Aretxaga INAOE, México |
15/12/2023 | 13:30 CET |
Aula QC01 Fac. Ciencias Químicas |
IPARCOS | From the fields to your table'; How astronomical (radio) data are harvested |
Carlos Durán Instituto de Radioastronomía Milimétrica (IRAM) Granada (Spain) |
13/12/2023 | 16:00 CET |
In Zoom & Youtube live |
IPARCOS | The universe as a quantum fluid: quantum gravity, hydrodynamics and cosmology |
Daniele Oriti Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics LMU, Munich |
12/12/2023 | 14:30 |
Seminario Física Teórica 2ª planta
IPARCOS | Molecular gas morphologies in nearby main sequence Galaxies |
Sophia Stuber Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA) Heidelberg (Germany) |
30/11/2023 | 16:00 |
Aula 12 |
Física de Materiales | Unconventional Magenetism in Spintronics: the emergence of Altermagnetism and is new variants |
Jairo Sinova Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany |
24/11/2023 | 11:00 |
Sala de Grados Facultad de Ciencias Químicas (Pasillo entre las facultades de CC. Químicas y CC. Físicas) |
IPARCOS | The origin of metals and dust within galaxies in the first billion years of cosmic time |
Joris Witstok Kavli Institute for Cosmology University of Cambridge (UK)
22/11/2023 | 16:00 CET | In Zoom-Youtube live |
Ciclo seminarios de Geofísica - Máster en Meteorología y Geofísica | Sismologías europeas, una larga tradición |
Elisa Buforn Peiró Dpto. de Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas UCM |
22/11/2023 | 15:30 |
Seminario 215, 4º planta |
IPARCOS | A radius valley between migrated steam worlds and evaporated rocky cores |
Remo Burn Max-Panchk-Institur für Astronomie (MPIA) Heildelbert, Germany |
15/11/20232 | 16:00 (CET) |
In Zoom-Youtube live) |
IPARCOS | Studying the acceleratated expansion of the Universe with the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) |
Andreu Font-Ribera Institut Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE) |
15/11/2023 | 13:30 |
Aula Magna 1 |
IPARCOS | HEFT one-loop renormalization and UV matching with 2HDM |
Roberto Morales Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina |
14/11/2023 | 15:00 |
Seminario Física Teórica 3ª planta |
IPARCOS | Low-mass contact bineries as probes of stellar merging events |
Kosmas Gazeas Departament of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics National and Kaposdistrian University of Athens |
8/11/2023 | 16:00 |
In Zoom-Youtube live |
IPARCOS | Multi-TeV dark matter density in the inner Milky Way halo: spectral and dynamical constraints |
Jaume Zuriaga Puig Instituto de Fisica Teórica (IFT UAM-CSIC) |
7/11/2023 | 12:00 |
Aula 9 |
IPARCOS | The Age of Discovery with JWST: Excavating the First Massive Black Holes and First Galaxies |
Kohei Inayoshi Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA) Peking University |
3/11/2023 | 10:00 |
In Zoom-Youtube live |
IPARCOS | The Strong Interaction at 50 Years: Less Puzzling, More Rich, and Still Mysterius |
Iain Stewart Center for Theorical Physics, MIT |
26/10/2023 | 13:30 |
Aula Magna 1 |
IPARCOS | Violation of CP symmetry in D →ππ: Experimental evidence vx Standard Model expectations |
Antonio Pich Universidad de Valencia - IFIC |
27/09/2023 | 14:30 |
Seminario de Física Teórica 2ª planta
IPARCOS | Conoce tu estrella, conoce tu planeta |
Miriam Cortés Contreras IPARCOS, Dpto. Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica - UCM |
21/09/2023 | 13:30 |
Aula M2 |
IPARCOS | Multiwavelength aspects of pulsar activity |
Bronislaw Rudak CAMK PAN, Warsaw |
04/09/2023 | 16:00 |
Seminario de Física Teórica 2ª planta |